Saturday 11 April 2020

First Bank At Electronics Market Making Money Out Of Coronavirus Pandemic In Onitsha

First Bank At Electronics Market Making Money Out Of Coronavirus Pandemic In Onitsha.

Yesterday, 10th April, 2020 I have woke up and decided to make a little cash withdrawal from my first bank account.

Since Nigeria government has decided to be taxing Nigerians on everything, even to deficate or urinate is now taxed, so I have also decided to be making my withdrawal directly from my Bank, which is First Bank, Michael(not real name) has told DTruthnews.

Upon reaching first Bank situated at the Head Bridge/Upper Iweka Express Way, just beside Electronics Market Onitsha, I saw their gates closed. The huge, tall yellow security man on mufti told me that the ATM is not working. Why? I asked, wondering why a bank will not have money in their ATM at the time of this unholy LOCKDOWN.

Immediately, the security man asked me to patronize the lady standing just outside the gate, but beside him. Probably, they are working together, or should I say working for the bank. I didn't tell you that the woman was holding a POS in her hands. Their ATM is not dispensing cash, but they have enough cash to give the people through POS. I was very mad. Why are people monitizing this Covid-19 pandemic? I have heard stories of market women selling their goods double the normal prize. I have heard the police extorting massively from the people, but I never imagined a bank joining them.

In anger I turned and walked away, but when I couldn't hold the anger anymore, I came back to take pictures. Pictures of a Bank that has decided to rip off their customers using POS.

The first picture was taken without them knowing it. When the woman saw me taking the pictures, she hid herself on something built in front of the bank.

Then I said to myself, so they know they are committing an offence. Probably, this is a business between her and the security man.

But the ultimate question is........why should a bank not have money in their ATM at this dangerous time.

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