Saturday 11 April 2020



By Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi

 "My life as a young Nigeria girl was full of risk, but I made it big alongside other girls who refused to be fooled by the ranting of those moralists on TV and in government. Yes, I made it big. I was able to take from those stealing the country dry using what I got. And I am proud of it.

I was born into a disciplined family. Grew up not really knowing men. I was told never to allow a boy touch my breast or attempt kissing me. I guarded myself like am a personal security guard assigned to myself. The first time I tried experiencing what it felt like having a boyfriend was during my WAEC. The young boy really promised me marriage. He is my classmate. Today, I looked back and wondered where he could be. Probably, struggling to make it, when I myself could have married since, had I wanted to.
Yes, I am a very fine beautiful woman. Any man that I passed without looking back is surely not a man. Could it have been the reason Prof Awudu Sani never allowed me to rest back in school. Prof was in his 60s. I came to the university a committed virgin. I have only kissed a man once. It was with my secondary school love. After our Final exams I had to kiss him. The pressure was too much both from him and my body which continued growing beyond what I can control nor understand. It was like kissing him will help me control my body which is almost going rogue.

I was never an unserious student. 'I know book' and never failed any class in my secondary school days. How I continued failing Awudu Sani's course remained a mystery to me, until he called me one faithful Afternoon and asked me to sleep with him or continue failing his papers. Of course I refused. I was even rude to him about it. How can about 62 years old man be asking of such from a 22 year old girl. Leaving his office that sunny afternoon, I disrespectfully banged his door. I never knew I was in a country that cares not about you. I was so eager to deal with him. The first lecturer I reported to asked me to go and settle with him. I had to quickly make a report to the school disciplinary office. My hope was that he will be sacked. But non of those happened. The case was actually turned against me, and I nearly lost my admission.

It was actually Prof Awudu Sani that took my virginity. That saved my admission and as well passed my exams. I was broken. I was mad and I was sad. It was then I started asking myself what type of country Nigeria truly is. What type of country renders you so helpless that a 62years old can take advantage of you.

But this completely changed who I am. I became another person different from the Vivian lovely mum and dad created. I didn't just lost my virginity, I became a concienceless human.

That was when I started thinking of making it big. Far from becoming a shy little girl Awudu took advantage of, I became something deadlier. I started being the one to request sex from Awudu. We do it in his car, in his office, almost every where. I have already started thinking big. Like use what I have to get what I want. I became mean. I needed Awudu to execute my plans. Yes, I now call him Awudu. It is only pretenders or those that doesn't know him that still revere him with PROF. Such a senseless he goat should never ever be called such.

During my NYSC, I pressured him to facilitate my posting to Abuja and National House of Assembly. And it happened. I know it will happen. That is how things works in Nigeria. It is either you bribe your way to the top or you f**k your way to the topmost. The choice is yours. Only few gets things on merit. That is your Nigeria. A very hopeless country that took away my innocence through her neglects.

All of them at the National Assembly all wanted a taste of me. From the young among them, to the old. Even some women Honourables whom I suspected to be gay also wanted a taste of me. I was terribly beautiful.

You need to see what those you all call Honourables do with young girls. I remembered one party they threw in Abuja. It was a birthday party for one of the Senators of the Federal Republic. Girls have been invited from almost every city in Nigeria. Top girls from Nigeria universities and off schools. I saw many classes of girls. Most of them look so innocent like I looked back in school. This particular Senator has resorted to beating his own catch of girls for failing to make his p**k rise. It wasn't their fault though. The senator is in his early 70's yet can't leave little girls alone. When those three girls came out, I pitied them. There was lines of belts on their body. One had this reddish line drawn on her left breast. The senator was such a beast. He even wounded her on her nipples. To my surprise, the girls though in pains, were happy. They have been each credited with 2 million Naira in their accounts by the senator.

Yes, them senators can be beasts, but they are generous beasts. They give to their girls lots of money. They steal generously from the people and gives to us generously.

There as a 'copper' working in National House of Assembly, I traveled to more than 25 countries. Slept with many different politicians that can afford me. Made more than 30 million Naira and now owns very big shopping mall in Abuja.

My only regret is that the country that stole from me still steals from millions of innocent girl.

I am Vivian and this is my STORY.

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